5 Temmuz 2008 Cumartesi

pong0.5k, a game in 510bytes

pong0.5k, a game in 510bytes

Orginal address : Crydust.be thank you crydust

Mr.doob created a 1k pong game in as3. Which made my fingers itch to do better. So here it is, in as2, less than half the filesize and the same functionality.

var so = new SWFObject("http://www.crydust.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/pong0_5k.swf", "pong0_5k_swf", "450", "256", "6", "#000000"); so.write("pong0_5k"); //

// Pong.5k (510 bytes game)

// by Kristof Neirynck


// inspired by monoPong-1k and mrdoob

// http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=48976

// http://mrdoob.com/blog/post/485/


Stage . align = "TL" ;

Stage . scaleMode = "noScale" ;

// making 10 a variable to shave off some bytes

var t : Number = 10 ;

// speed

var vx : Number = - t ;

var vy : Number = t ;

// player 1

var p : MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip ( "p" , 1 );

// player 2

var q : MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip ( "q" , 2 );

// ball

var b : MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip ( "b" , 3 );

// drawing the squares

d ( p , 20 , 40 );

d ( q , 20 , 40 );

d ( b , t , t );

// magic loop

function onEnterFrame () {

b . _x += vx ;

b . _y += vy ;

q . _x = Stage . width ;

p . _y = _ymouse ;

q . _y = Stage . height - _ymouse ;

// bounce top or bottom border

if ( b . _y < t || b . _y > Stage . height - t ) {

vy = - vy ;


// bounce player1 or left border

// or player 2 or right border

if (( b . hitTest ( p ) && b . _x > 20 )

|| ( b . hitTest ( q ) && b . _x < Stage . width - 20 )) {

vx = - vx ;


// someone scored

if (- t > b . _x || b . _x > Stage . width + t ) {

b . _x = Stage . width * 0 . 5 ;

b . _y = Stage . height * 0 . 5 ;

vx = - vx ;



// square drawing function

function d ( m : MovieClip , w : Number , h : Number ): Void {

//w and h are already / 2

//w /= 2;

//h /= 2;

m . beginFill ( 0xFFFFFF );

m . moveTo (- w ,- h );

m . lineTo ( w ,- h );

m . lineTo ( w , h );

m . lineTo (- w , h );

//not needed




29 Haziran 2008 Pazar

16 Mayıs 2008 Cuma

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